The Modern Dating Struggle: Why More Women Are Choosing Solitude Over Situationships

In a world where swiping right seems to dictate our romantic destiny, a new trend is emerging among modern women.

Jennifer McDougall
3 min readSep 29, 2023

As we delve into the complexities of contemporary dating, it’s becoming increasingly clear that many women are opting for a path less traveled, one of self-discovery and solitude over ambiguous and non-committal ‘situationships’.

In this article, we’ll explore this phenomenon to understand why many women are choosing to step back from the dating scene. Is it a silent protest against the transient nature of modern relationships, or is it a deeper journey toward self-love and fulfillment?

As a mid-thirties woman navigating the intricate tapestry of dating in the 21st century, I can attest: that it’s a veritable jungle out there. Each swipe and message brings the thrill of possibility and the specter of yet another disappointment. In this ever-evolving landscape of modern love, where ghosting is as common as first dates and ‘situationships’ often replace relationships, a new trend is emerging among women like me.

We are increasingly choosing solitude as our sanctuary, a place where we can rediscover ourselves away from the chaos of half-hearted courtships.

The Modern Dating Struggle: Why More Women Are Choosing Solitude Over Situationships
Photo by Sonnie Hiles on Unsplash



Jennifer McDougall

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